The Macallan 72 year Old In Lalique
Nothing compares to this specific bottle of Macallan when it comes to providing a true representation that forms the foundation of a brand. Allow me to present you to The Macallan, a 72-year-old in Lalique’s Genesis Decanter, readers worldwide.
Each element is a joyous tribute to the artistry and creativity that went into the entire undertaking. Seldom do releases feature all the components in a way that pays tribute to the whisky, the container, the presentation case, and, of course, the distillery.
You had best make sure the purchase invitation is just as beautiful as the liquid inside if you are showcasing one of your most anticipated releases. The Macallan made a strong statement when they decided to place their magnificent decanter inside a hardwood presentation case that was constructed to order. The Burgess Studio in London created the design, utilizing materials sourced by NEJ Stevenson, the Royal cabinetmakers to Her Majesty the Queen.
One of The Macallan’s oldest expressions ever issued, this custom crystal decanter dates back to the 1940s. The French glassmaker Lalique has an unrivaled reputation for producing luxury goods with distinctive designs that are modern in nature, which serves as the foundation for their appointment. Utilizing all of their creative excellence, Lalique’s tradition of skillful craftsmanship has served to create a timeless masterpiece and a true work of art, despite their beginnings in jewelry-making and ornamental pieces.
When the bottle was released in 2018, it was comparatively simple to figure out what inspired its appearance. The decanter’s lines almost seem to be a mirror of the neighboring hills in Speyside and the distillery’s smooth, flowing rooftop scenery. Its inclusion of some of the rarest Macallan whisky adds even more significance to the presentation of this exceptional single malt’s effect and collectibility.
We are lucky to have one of the 600 bottles of this limited edition, which The Macallan produces worldwide, up for sale in January.